Notting Hill

A Mobile Tour

'From Door to Door'

Recorrido Notting Hill desde la comodidad de su dispositivo

Puede comenzar a caminar por el área de Notting Hill ahora con imágenes de la vida real para guiarlo, desde su teléfono móvil.

Te detendrás en más de 9 sitios clave en el camino.

Toda la experiencia de caminar viene con descuentos y beneficios a medida que avanza.

Go Tour!


You can start to walk the Notting Hill area now with real-life footage to guide you, from your mobile phone.

You'll stop off at over 9 key sites along the way. 

The whole walking experience comes with discounts and benefits as you go.


Whether you're in your bedroom in Beijing, a diner in Dallas, a coffee shop in Portobello rd or a hotel in the UK, you can walk the actual tour from anywhere  in the world,  as long as you have  a device as a guide. Simply  watch the guided footage, giving you the unique chance to experience the most flamboyant area in the world.


The best bit is, you can do it in your own time.

• No meeting with tour guides.


• No asking for directions.


Just tour when you please, so long as it is within a week of purchase.
So just pay the toll  by pressing the button above, or the one below and let's go!

Your Journey Begins Here!

• Click on the button below to begin your mobile tour.

Be sure to dedicate a 'tour guide' from amongst your group. Be fully aware of oncoming traffic and cross safely.

L€ts begin!
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